Wanna make a guitar replica like Billie Joe from Green day?
Get Your Stickers Here
- Regular version (Free) - Basic version, small size, may look bad after printing, limited stickers, some rare stickers not included in this pack.
- Hi-Res version ($2.99) - Includes all guitar stickers in Hi-Resolution + Some never before seen stickers + Stickers in old look also included + Reference images + 1994, 1997-98, 2010, 2011 version blue sticker and much more. (for more details click here)
1994 version - (Woodstock and Dookie)

Credit: Robbie Marshallsay
1996 version

1997-98 version

2000 version

Credit: Robbie Marshallsay
2002 version

Credit: Robbie Marshallsay
2004 version (Reading Festival)

(Photo source: Greendayauthority.com)
- 2005 Version - (Bullet in a Bible)

Bullet in a Bible Version remained with Billie Joe till 2009, Billie Joe was see playing 2005 version in his most 21st century Breakdown tour.
- 2010 Version
- 2011 version

- 2011 - (Not so Silent Night)

I'll keep updating this post with more photos of His guitar.
Hope this helps, If you have any questions regarding BJ guitar or Stickers then you can email me at bjguitarstickers@gmail.com or you can Join Area51 blog forums and post there Click here to join forum, You can also post comment here.
TAGS : Billie joe guitar blue all versions 1994 1996 1997 1998 2000 2002 2005 2010 2011 2011 december stickers photos
Hope this helps, If you have any questions regarding BJ guitar or Stickers then you can email me at bjguitarstickers@gmail.com or you can Join Area51 blog forums and post there Click here to join forum, You can also post comment here.
TAGS : Billie joe guitar blue all versions 1994 1996 1997 1998 2000 2002 2005 2010 2011 2011 december stickers photos
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