How To Optimize Your WordPress For Cloud Computing

This is a Guest Post by Victor Daily

When you use a shared server, there is no need to keep your mind on the amount of server resources your WordPress setup utilizes. On the other hand, with cloud-computing situations, such as media temple's grid-server, you should be careful with the way your WordPress set-up utilizes server resources. 

wordpress cloud

The company you are hosting with will not alert you until the resource usage goes ridiculously high. However, as time goes along and your blog begins to receive an unexpected high amount of interest, you might want to gather tips and tricks about how to enhance your Wordpress setup and how to decrease the resources it uses.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you out.


It is very important to utilize caching. The best choice for that is WP-Super Cache. WP Super-Chache caches any posts and pages as stunning untainted html files so that your server does not utilize resources for php production. Additional caching plugins do not perform this particular function. Others normally cache the content and resume using php cycles to supply output.

Most of your visitors will be served static-content by default, however, WP-Super Cache recognizes how to change back to the regular PHP pages for visitors who are leaving, or have left a comment, visitors that are signed in, and visitors who are comprehending a password-protected blog post.

How is this an advantage for you? There are a couple of important benefits:

Decreased Server Resource Usage
When your web-server serves static content in place of dynamic-content, CPU decreases and memory usage significantly results in less resource/hardware demands. With platforms like  Cloud-Sites from the Rack Space Cloud, a large influence will be left on your compute-cycle usage. 

Reduced Page Load Instances
Reducing page load moments will result in a better end-user-experience on your website. In addition, decreasing load times has shown to reduce bounce and enhance general connections on your pages.

WordPress Custom 404

The next most crucial point you must bear in mind is that WordPress-Custom 404 handler utilizes an overabundance of cpu cycles. This is nothing extraordinary to WordPress. So what should be done about it? Utilize Google-Site Maps plugin so that you can inform Google quicker when there is a deleted post. This plugin immediately generates a Google amenable site map and proposes this to Google each time you create a modification in your content. 

In addition, there are urls that are searched by robots and that can cause 404-error codes when not discovered. A favicon.ico file is a perfect example. Favicons are utilized by multiple websites for bookmarking their urls. You must situate one into your root-directory since every robot pays attention to the root- directory for that file.

The same is correct for your feeds. Utilize Feed-burner for dispensing your feeds. Given that your feeds will be dispersed by Feed-burner, not by the server you are using, this load will be reduced as well. Once or twice per day, your or feed will be tested predominately by Feed-burner. However, there could be more examples for possible 404 files that are not available with your WordPress set-up. It is possible to create your own samples too. Either way, you should discover the means to create or manage them.  


Comment spam is another influence on your WordPress set-up that also uses up your precious CPU cycles. Akismet is not the answer because a track-back, ping-back, or comment will strike your server and be noted for assessment anyways. WP Spam Free deciphers this dilemma by not permitting comment from agents that are not browsers. Seeing that numerous bots that operate to drop spam comments and track-backs to WordPress blogs do not acknowledge and utilize JavaScript, WP Spam Free checks if a comment writer's agent can identify javascript. In addition, it also informs regular users who may not have their javascript on, just in case they are flabbergasted when they cannot post comments.

WordPress and Cloud-Files

Now that you are ready with your WordPress website/blog and can manage more traffic and operate more proficiently, there is another plug-in that has a large influence on website or blog activity and can further decrease server load. CDN-Tools is a plug-in that permits you to put in your website media files and JavaScript to an outside CDN-platform like Cloud-Files from the Rack-Space Cloud. Still, if you do not have, or want to utilize, the Cloud-Files storage and CDN platform, it is possible to load your bigger JS libraries without payment from Google's servers.

victor daily About Guest Author
Victor Daily is a tech blogger and freelance writer. He currently writes about cloud computing solutions and VMware and works as an IT consutant. You can also Write for us by clicking here

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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