How to Chat with Strangers on iPhone

This is a Quick guide on How to Chat with Anonymous People on iPhone or any other iDevice. In this guide I'll be covering two methods, one for iDevices without jailbreak and other for jailbroken devices.

iphone homescreen

The methods shown in this guide are very simple to perform and does not require much knowledge.
Related Tutorials 
Here is the Step by Step guide with screenshots on How to Anonymously Chat with Strangers on iPhone or any other iDevices. 

Tutorial 1 (For Devices without Jailbreak)

For devices without jailbreak, They can use a Free App from Apple's App store called 'Omegle'. Omegle lets you chat with strangers using iPhone or iPod
Touch, It is a very popular Stranger chat service on the Internet. Below are steps to download Omegle.

Step 1: From your device's Homescreen, Open App Store.

iphone homescreenitunes app store search

Step 2: Go to Search and search 'Chat for Omegle'

omegle iphone appomegle iphone app

Step 3: Install it on your device. Make sure you are logged in with your apple id.

omegle iphone appapple id password

Step 4: Once Installed an icon will appear on your Homescreen.

iphone springboard
 Step 5: Now Open App and Start Chatting.
omegle iphone omegle iphone

You can disconnect anytime.

Tutorial 2 (For Devices with Jailbreak)

Step 1: From your device's Homescreen Go to Cydia.

iphone home screencydia

Step 2: Search for 'Stranger Chat'

stranger chat cydiastranger chat cydia

Step 3: Tap on Install and wait till it gets Installed.

cydia app confirm cydia app installed

Step 4: Once Installed an icon will appear on your Homescreen. Open Stranger chat.
iphone springboardiphone stranger chat

Step 5: Now just tap on Start Chat button and the app will start searching for a chat partner.

stranger chat iphone iphone stranger chat

I hope this guide was helpful, If you liked it please share it over social networks and also let me know by leaving a comment below. 

jim luthra jimmie jamshed About Author
Jimmie Luthra is founder of He is a Cadet in Merchant Navy and a Part time Blogger. He is 20 and lives in Mumbai. You can Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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