6 Strategies to get More Retweets on Twitter

The influence of Twitter on search rankings is well established. A comprehensive study by Branded 3 says that URLs that are shared on Twitter get a significant boost in their search rankings. And as per this study, if you manage whopping 7500 retweets, your url is sure to rank within the top 5 Google results. Click here to read the details of the study.

Strategies to get More Retweets on Twitter

So the key is to have a comprehensive strategy to enhance the number of your retweets on Twitter, which will have a positive effect on your search ranking.

Six Strategies to Get More Retweets on Twitter

1. Get the Basics Right – Create Killer Content

Focusing on Twitter strategies at the cost of not paying attention to your content will not work.  You content should be useful and informative. It is a good idea to use Twitter Search to see the most current retweeted topics. Then create a post that fills in the gaps or offers a different perspective and tweet about it. You are likely to get more retweets.

Also See: 20 Ways to Get More Followers on Twitter

2. Tweet at the Right Time

Expecting to get retweets when your audience is not active online is silly. And Twitter is a very current and dynamic medium. Tweets, even a few hours old, get pushed down and chances of retweets decrease exponentially. Use tools like Tweroid, which analyses your tweets and your followers’ tweets and recommends the best time to publish tweets so that maximum people can see them. Other helpful Twitter tools include Socialbro, TweetWhen and Timely.is

3. Retweet Yourself
It may sound against Twitter etiquette, but it is a good plan, if you are catering to global audiences in different time zones. Of course don’t retweet your own tweets too often, but a gap of 8-12 hours between retweets is fine.

4. Make it Easy to Retweet

You know Twitter has a 140 character limit. So make sure you leave enough space for people to leave their own comments while retweeting. Retweeting is an impulse action and if people find that they need to edit your tweet, they may just not bother with it. And you don’t want that. Or you find that they have cut down your link, thus decreasing chances of traffic to your website.

5. Ask People to Retweet…Nicely

Having a call to action is always good. But apparently, being nice on Twitter has added benefits. This study by social media scientist Dan Zarrella shows that saying “Please Retweet” or “Please RT” in your tweets returns more retweets than when you don’t include these phrases. Interestingly, “Please Retweet” was found to be more effective than “Please RT”.

6. Retweet Others
The more you retweet others’ tweets you can expect them to return the favor.
Focus on creating a strong foundation on Twitter by engaging meaningfully with others and adding followers. Such followers will automatically retweet you, causing an increase in the search rankings.

Also See: How to Automatically Publish Blog Posts to Twitter

What are your strategies for increasing retweets? And what was the impact on your search ranking?

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Looking for an SEO company with post Penguin link building expertise? Check out www.quantumseolabs.com, founded by Yasir Khan, author of this post.

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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