How to Generate a Privacy Policy to comply with Google AdSense TOS

According to Google AdSense Terms and Conditions, Now AdSense publishers are required to have a Privacy Policy page on their website / blog. 
Exact Quote from Google: "You must have and abide by an appropriate privacy policy that clearly discloses that third parties may be placing and reading cookies on your user’s browser, or using web beacons to collect information, in the course of ads being served on your website. Your privacy policy should also include information about user options for cookie management."
privacy policy generator google adsenseMany bloggers find it difficult writing a privacy policy page for their blog and most of the time end up writing crap. There are many Privacy Policy generators on the internet but most of them don't cover some important points required by the AdSense program. Today I'll show you How to Generate a, AdSense Safe Privacy policy for your blog.

Also Read:

How to Generate Privacy Policy for Your Blog

Step 1: Go to SERP Rank Privacy Policy Generator Page.

Step 2: Now Enter your Blog Address and Email Address.

generate privacy policy to comply with adsense

Step 3: If your website uses Cookies then choose yes, Otherwise No. [If you don't have any idea then choose yes to be on safe side]

generate privacy policy to comply with adsense

Step 4: For Advertiser Information, Tick Google AdSense and Other programs you use on your blog.

generate privacy policy to comply with adsense

Step 5: Click on 'Create my Privacy policy'

Now just wait for the generator to generate a privacy policy for your blog, This will take a few seconds depending on your connection speed.

Once the Generator generates Privacy Policy, Copy it in notepad and just add it to your website by creating a new page 'Privacy Policy'. if you are using Blogger Platform then move on to next step when I show How to Add Privacy Policy on Blogger.

How to Add Privacy Policy to Blogger

So If you are reading this section, I'm assuming that you've already generated your privacy policy by following above steps and have it copied in notepad. The Next step is adding it to a blogger blog. Adding privacy policy to blogger is very simple, Just create a new page and paste the generated privacy policy there, Here are the steps:

  • Log in to Your Blogger Account.
  • Go to Pages > New Page > Blank Page
generate privacy policy to comply with adsense

  • Now Paste the Generated Privacy Policy there.
  • Publish Page.

Now you've successfully added Privacy policy to your blog and complying with AdSense terms. I hope this tutorial was simple and helpful, Please share it and don't forget to thank by leaving comments :)


About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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