How to Add Dublin Core Meta Tags to Blogger

add dublin core tags to bloggerJust like normal Meta Tags, Dublin core meta tags help search engines know more about a website. This helps your website to rank high in search results and Increases your traffic. If added correctly, Dublin core tags help improve Search Engine Optimization of a website and boosts SERP. It is similar to meta tags and includes all the information about the website like; Website Name, Author Name, Keywords, Description etc.

Most of the Bloggers, Webmasters ignore dublin core tags as most of them are not aware of it. Today I'm going to show you How to Add Dublin Core Meta Tags to a Blogger Blog, You can use these tags on other platforms also, Just add them like normal Meta Tags in your head section.

How to Use Dublin Core Meta Tags on Blogger Blog

You can make use of Dublin core on your blogger blog to boost Search engine optimization (SEO) using this step by step guide.

1. Editing the Dublin Core Tag

Here is a Basic HTML format of Dublin Core Meta data. Copy and paste it on an empty notepad.
    <META CONTENT='text/html' NAME='DC.Format' scheme='IMT'/>
    <META CONTENT='KEYWORDS' NAME='DC.Subject' scheme='MESH'/>
    <META CONTENT='AUTHOR' NAME='DC.Publisher'/>
    <META CONTENT='ADDRESS' NAME='DC.Identifier'/>
    <META CONTENT='en; English' NAME='DC.Language' scheme='RFC1766'/>
    <META CONTENT='2010-07-16' NAME='DC.Date'/>
    <META CONTENT='2012-07-16' NAME='DC.Date.Modified'/>
    <META CONTENT='text' NAME='DC.Type' scheme='DCMIType'/>

Now next we have to make changes to the code, Basically we are going to add the website information to the code so that Search Engines can know more about your site. For your help, You can use the below information.

TITLE - Title of the Website
OWNER - Name of the Owner of Website
KEYWORDS - Keywords for Website
AUTHOR - Name of the Author/Publisher
ADDRESS - Website Address / URL
2010-07-16 - Date Created
2012-07-16 - Date Modified
DESCRIPTION - Brief Description of Website

Note: When adding information to the code, Make sure that you don't Spam it with Keywords etc. Only use the keywords which are related to your blog and never stuff it with repeating keywords, or else Search engines will mark you as SPAM.

That's all, You've successfully made the necessary changes, Now we will add the code to your website.

2. Installation

Once you've edited the format and made changes according to your website, you're ready to add it to your website. Just follow the steps given below to add the code to Blogger.

Step 1: From Blogger Dashboard, Go to TemplateEdit HTML

(Always Back Up your Template before making any changes to it. This will help you restore it in case of problems)

Step 2: Now search for  <head> and Add the Dublin Core tag just above it. So Basically you'll add the code you just edited with your site info.
    <META CONTENT='text/html' NAME='DC.Format' scheme='IMT'/>
    <META CONTENT='KEYWORDS' NAME='DC.Subject' scheme='MESH'/>
    <META CONTENT='AUTHOR' NAME='DC.Publisher'/>
    <META CONTENT='ADDRESS' NAME='DC.Identifier'/>
    <META CONTENT='en; English' NAME='DC.Language' scheme='RFC1766'/>
    <META CONTENT='2010-07-16' NAME='DC.Date'/>
    <META CONTENT='2012-07-16' NAME='DC.Date.Modified'/>
    <META CONTENT='text' NAME='DC.Type' scheme='DCMIType'/>

Step 3: Now you're Done!!! Just Save the Template.

3. Checking the Code

Now that you've finished adding Dublin core tag to your website, It's time to checking if the code is working properly or not. A simple way to do that is by using an online tool called WooRank.

  • Go to
  • Enter your site URL and Hit Review.
  • After a few seconds, Woorank will complete the process.
  • Go to Usability section (Left side)
  • Scroll down to Dublin Core area.
Now If Dublin core was successfully added, It will show a Green Tick mark. If dublin core was not properly added then it will show a red color cross mark. 

Green: If you see green color tick mark then You're done! You've successfully added the code. Enjoy

Red: This means that you've not added the code properly. Go through the Tutorial once more and add the code as stated in the tutorial.

Final Words

Adding the above tags will surely improve your SEO score and will help your pages get indexed and rank faster. I tried making the tutorial simple and to the point, I hope this was helpful. If you are having any problems then you can leave a comment below and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I could.

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jim luthra jimmie jamshed About Author
Jimmie Luthra is founder of He is a Cadet in Merchant Navy and a Part time Blogger. He is 20 and lives in Mumbai. You can Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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