I've been a lot into books lately, I
read each and every genre which people suggested me and found a few gems
disguised as Books. On exploring a lot of different categories, I found some
really inspiring books on business and entrepreneurship which really motivated
me. Not only that, these books are already bestsellers and written by some of
the great people in this business. I recommend these books to
all entrepreneurs and people who wish to be one someday, to read them at
least once in their lifetime. I'm hundred percent sure that you won't
regret this.
Don't have time for Reading?
I know some people find reading
books boring but trust me, once you begin reading these books, you'll thank me
later. Some people are busy enough that even if they wish to read, they can't
spare some time for it, my solution is eBooks. The books below are available in
both variants, Paperback and eBook. The main advantage of eBook is that you can
carry it with yourself in your mobile, tablet or even laptop. You can read it
while travelling, when sitting idle, when waiting, whenever you some free time.
Simply take out your phone / tablet and start reading. Some apps also offer
sync option, which means that you can sync your book to multiple devices and
read it from the same place (where you left) from your mobile or from your
tablet. EBooks surely makes reading easier, they are easy to carry (You don't
have to carry a physical book, everything is inside your device) and you can
carry as much as you want.
The links for purchasing the Paperback books, Kindle editions and Audio Books are given below. I've added both Flipkart & Amazon India links below, we'll appreciate if you use the below links for making the purchase, as this will help us run this site and bring more helpful content for awesome readers like you.
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad
Author: Robert Kiyosaki
This is one of the best and highly rated books, Rich Dad Poor Dad: What Rich Teach Their Kids About Money that Poor and Middle Class Do Not! In this book, Robert Kiyosaki talks about the financial independence by owing businesses, investing and real estates. He also talks about his own childhood, spent in Hawaii with is biological father, the Poor Dad. Through out the book he talks about the thinking of a Rich Dad and how he uses his money to generate more money etc. This is a must read for entrepreneurs and business men.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Audio Book
2. Take Me Home
Author: Rashmi Bansal
This is a new book from the 'Stay Hungry, Stay foolish' Author, Rashmi Bansal. This book contains stories of twenty entrepreneurs who have made it big by sticking to one simple rule 'Start from Home.' The Book is easy to understand, the writing is simple. It contains success stories and lessons from failure, overall an interesting book.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition
3. Men of Steel
Author: Vir Sanghvi
This book is my personal favorite. Written by a leading journalist, this book contains profiles and candid conversations of India's business tycoons and leaders with Vir Sanghvi. The names include Ratan Tata, Vijay Mallya, Bikki Oberoi, Nusli Wadia, Subhash Chandra, Uday Kotak, Kumar Mangalam Birla, Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Nandan Neilkani and Azim Premji. These leaders represent some of the top businesses in India like Tata Group, Kingfisher, East India Hotels, Kotak Group, Birla Group, Airtel, Bombay Dyieng and Infosys. This book contains a candid conversation with these leaders, they share their experience and profile. This book is very motivating and a must read.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition
4. Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
Author: Rashmi Bansal
Another gem from Rashmi Bansal. This book contains a collection of stories of 25 IIMA Graduates who instead of joining the corporate world, took a road less taken. These people became entrepreneurs and reached the heights of success. This book is fun to read and full of inspiration.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition
5. Steve Jobs
Author: Walter Issacson
The name says it all, this is the full life account of the late Apple founder and CEO, Steve Jobs. This book was written by Walter Issacson (his notable works include the biography of Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein etc.) This book is an exclusive Steve Jobs Biography which narrates the story of his life and How he sowed the seed which grew as Apple.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Audio Book
6. The Google Story
Author: David A. Vise
We Google all the time but do you know How it all began? What people used to do before it? How it works? How it came to existence? All these answers lie in this book. Written beautifully, this book is an interesting read and also motivates you to work harder. A must read for everyone.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Audio Book
7. How Google Works
Author: Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg
Not similar but still a good read, this book teaches you How Google Works, here by Google we mean company. This book explains How the people behind Google run the company. Strategies they use and how they make changes to the popular search engine to make web searching better. Written by Google Executive Chairman and ex‐CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of Products Jonathan Rosenberg, this is a must read for MBA students, employees and employers.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Audio Book
8. Who Moved My Cheese
Author: Dr. Spencer Johnson
According to Daily Telegraph, This is one of the most successful business book ever. A short and to-the-point book, it contains 96 pages and everything is to the point, which makes it more interesting. This is an international bestseller by Dr.Spencer Johnson. An enlightening story of four characters who want something in life, it can be anything. For a metaphor, the author chose the thing as 'Cheese' - So the characters are after Cheese. This book will show you, How you can anticipate, adapt, enjoy and deal with the change.
The story takes less than an hour to read, but its unique insights can last for a life time. - Dr. Spencer Johnson
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Audio Book
9. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Author: Dr.Joseph Murphy
This one is a gem, truly a life changing book, not only for entrepreneurs but for every individual. Written by Dr.Joseph Murphy, this book helps you understand the power of your Sub-conscious mind, a power which we all have but are unaware of. This book will guide you in using that power for bringing happiness, improving your health, bringing more power, wealth, joy etc. According to Dr. Murphy, one of the main reasons that you don't succeed at achieving certain goals is because you haven't accepted in your subconscious that you are capable of that achievement. The moment your subconscious accepts that, it brings a powerful forces which helps you in overcoming obstacles. This is a must read book for all entrepreneurs and others.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition
10. Connect the Dots
Author: Rashmi Bansal
Another amazing book from Rashmi Bansal, this book contains the journey of 20 entrepreneurs who made it big without an MBA Degree. The thing which was common in all of them was the Passion to succeed. This book is truly inspiring and proves that even if you don't have fancy qualifications, you can still achieve your dream with passion.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition | Audio Book
How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company
Author: Varun Agarwal
I randomly picked this book up but enjoyed reading it. This book contains a story of two guys who had an idea. They started shaping it up and ended up with a million dollar company. I'm suggesting this book because it is a nice read with lots of humor and punch lines. Since the story revolves around young men, the youth will feel an instant connection with the events which took place in the story, also it is inspiring.
Buy Now: Flipkart | Amazon | Kindle Edition
This brings us to an end, I hope this article was interesting, do let us know about your favorite self-help books, down in the comment section.
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