August 1, 2016, In New Delhi, Panasonic launched their new smartphone Eluga Arc 2 in India with an innovative design & metal body. The phone flaunts a Dual 2.5D curved glass & Metal body with amazing features & powerful hardware under the hood. Less than a month ago on July 4, 2016, Panasonic launched Eluga Note with Octa-Core processor in India, and now after a month, Panasonic is back with another smartphone which is ready to compete with other mid-segment smartphones in the market. Let's take a look at the technical specifications of Eluga Arc 2 and its innovative design.
Panasonic Eluga Arc 2 does have a beautiful design & metal body. Along with the metal, the phone is designed with glass which kinda gives it iPhone-like looks. The phone is 7.6 mm in thickness (which is quite thinner than Eluga Note) and weighs 147 grams and feel quite light in hand. The front & back are finished Asahi Dragontail 2.5D Curved Glass which gives the device protection from scratches and elegant look.
Eluga Arc 2 packs a 5.0 Inch IPS LCD HD Display with resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels & On-Cell Touch Display technology. The maximum display brightness can go up to 500 nits, which is perfect for outdoor readibility. The device supports dual SIM (Micro + Nano) and comes with connectivity options like 4G LTE (VoLTE), Wi-Fi, GPS with A-GPS, Bluetooth 4.0 & MicroUSB 2.0 with OTG Support. The device runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and is available in color choices like Rose Gold & Gold. Under the hood it packs 1.3 GHz Quad-Core Processor with 3GB RAM, 32 GB Internal Storage which is expandable up to 128 GB. There is also an IR blaster for controlling IR based appliances. On the back is an 8 Megapixel camera with LED flash and a 5 Megapixel camera on the front for selfie lovers. There is a 2450 mAh battery inside.
At the launch, Mr. Pankaj Rana, Business Head – Mobility Division, Panasonic said, “After receiving a tremendous response for Eluga Arc, we are delighted to present the metallic version – Eluga Arc2, in gold and rose gold colour. A perfect blend of innovation and style, the new Eluga Arc2 is made with dual 2.5D curved glass & metal body. The new smartphone has minimal plastic material, providing a seamless convergence of style and performance for consumers. The metallic body also allows the smartphone to withstand the everyday wear and tear. For Panasonic India, it is a step forward to make our consumer’s life smarter, easier and more stylish.”
Panasonic Eluga Arc 2 is available in India via offline stores & retailes at a price tag of Rs.12,290 which directly competes with devices like LeEco Le 2, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3, Honor 5C, Asus Zenfone Max 2016 and Moto G4 (these devices are also priced similarly) - Our initial impressions of the device are slightly above average, though it is beautifully designed & feels good in hands, it could've been better in terms of specifications & camera. Do let us know what you feel in the comments.
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