A Mumbai-based start-up company is on the verge to launch India's first Omni-channel shopping platform very soon. The platform will be called as PinCarts.com and will be launched in a form of website & mobile app. The platform will help shopping enthusiasts to browse through products they like from the nearby stores & shopping malls, while they're sitting at home. The user can then select the products they wish to buy, and once done, they can choose between two options; either they can pick-it-up from the nearby store or get it delivered at the doorstep.
Three weeks ago, we got an opportunity to catch up with Mr.Santosh Dighe, who happens to be one of the co-founders of PinCarts. The hour-long session over a coffee with Mr.Santosh was really an interactive one, a lot of questions were thrown/answered, a lot of things were discussed, during one such discussion, Mr.Santosh talked about the Beacon Technology which enables retailers/stores in providing individualized offers to their customers.
PinCarts is very keen to make use of Beacon technology to accurately track their customers & notify them with individualized offers from brands based on their shopping habits & history. PinCarts will be installing Beacons in the partner stores & shopping malls, this will help the retailers track down PinCarts user & will also enable them to create a pleasant in-store experience to their customers. Beacon Technology has already proved its potential in the International market, and many western countries have implemented it to enhance the experience of the customers. PinCarts aims to bring that technology to India and to create a seamless shopping experience.
Mr.Santosh Dighe from PinCarts commented;
“Currently there are 220 million smartphone users in India and the number is expected to grow up to 651 million by 2019. With the revolution of the internet in the last decade and the surge in the number of users buying through the online platforms, the offline retailers are losing business even after offering better deals and discounts. The retailers are facing a massive competition from the e-commerce sites and now there are mere 11 shoppers for an average of 1000 retail shops. Moreover, the number of dissatisfied customers on the online platforms have also grown in the past couple of years due to the wrong products delivered or mismatch of goods. Our online-to-offline (O2O) platform is aimed at just bridging this gap between the brands and its customers.”- Mr. Santosh Dighe, PinCarts
PinCarts is designed for people who are still into Touch, Feel & Buy tradition, a lot of people in India still don't prefer shopping online since there are times when you see something online but receive something else, or sometimes the look, feel is not up to the expectations. PinCarts enables users to browse for their favorite products, go to the nearby store, inspect the product & then pay for it. The users can also opt for doorstep delivery, where they can check the product and pay once satisfied. The combination of Online & Offline markets on PinCarts gives you the best of both worlds. PinCarts uses an Advanced technology to keeps a track of the likes and dislikes of its users and notifies them with suitable offers, thus making it a clutter-free shopping experience. PinCarts ability to push messages to customers without them having to do anything at all will be a huge advantage for retailers and brands who want to engage with customers in a more personalized way and gain higher brand loyalty among its users.
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