7 Benefits of using a Smartwatch

A smartwatch is a wearable and portable computer that you wear on your wrist. Nowadays, these smartwatches are trending because of the many benefits they are giving the users. That has led to many technology companies to start manufacturing these smartwatches as their uses have resulted in high demand and creating a large market. In the recent advancement of wearable technology, these smartwatches have taken the top stage. That is because they have been equipped with various capabilities such as a fitness tracker, running smartphone apps and at the same time they look fashionable when you wear on the wrist.


Advantages of using Smartwatch

Maybe you're thinking that buying a smartwatch isn't worth and it is a waste of your money and time. Here are the advantages of having a smartwatch that can help you to make an informed decision:

1. It is not easy to forget

Most of the time, you often tend to forget where you left your keys or smartphones. That doesn't mean you have a problem because it is a natural human tendency for anyone to forget such things. Having a smartwatch is something different. That is because a smartwatch helps you to solve such problems quickly. 

Most of the smartwatches have also been equipped with a feature that enables you to find a misplaced smartphone. An added advantage is that even a cheap smartphone will have such essential features. When you buy a smartwatch, you can connect with your device beforehand, and the helps you during emergency time.

2. It helps with tracking your fitness

There are many apps for fitness you can download and install in your budget smartphone. But, a smartwatch is an outstanding wearable because it has integrated all those functionalities of fitness trackers. For health-related benefits, they include sleep quality, activity, heart rate, and overall fitness level.

When you track your fitness, it is an essential thing and an added benefit is that it is a core feature in a smartwatch. That, therefore, enables the smartwatch to help maintain and keep your fitness goals. With a smartwatch, you can easily check on the distance you've covered, your steps, calories, pulse rate, heart rate, sleep, and other vital health fitness things you need for your overall healthy lifestyle.


3. It helps you connected while doing activities

If you're jogging, running, swimming, or cycling, these are activities that don't allow you to have a smartphone in your pockets. But, with a smartwatch, you will be updated as you can receive notifications and messages instantly. That is an essential thing that a smartwatch offers you.

In a smartwatch, you have to wear it on your wrist. It, therefore, gives you all time updated notifications from your smartphones. But, you need to ensure you have connected your smartwatch and smartphone. An added benefit of a smartwatch is that it is water resistance. That enables you to use it while swimming and can go up to 50 meters underwater.

4. It helps you to listen to music

With music capabilities, it is something that is common on the current smartwatches. However, it gives you a huge benefit when you are looking to have a smartphone free experience especially at the gym or running.

A smartwatch will enable you to connect to your earphones and therefore helping you to listen to your favorite music without a smartphone. In your music player, the smartphone has a feature that enables you to control the music from your smartwatch such as lining up the next song, looping, or adjusting volume. It is also essential to know that with a smartwatch it enables you to listen to music at ease.

5. It gives you a new face each day 

You can not compare a smartwatch and a standard watch. For a standard watch, it gives you a default dial each day and that can make you feel bored all day. However, how will you feel when you change the face of your watch every day upon the different events? That will be something fun and fabulous. It is an experience you can only get from a smartwatch. So, you can agree that a smartwatch is an essential device to change your face every day. For example, if you're attending a professional meeting, it helps you to change into a professional image but on normal weekends, save funny pictures on your watch faces.

6. It helps you to make calls 

With a smartwatch, it helps you to make and receive calls. You can do this in two ways. You can choose your smartwatch to act as a remote when answering calls on your smartphone or even make a call through your smartphone. The other way is from a smartwatch that comes equipped with a cellular network connection, speaker, and microphone. That helps you make your call or receive a call without the need for a smartphone.

Today, these LTE smartwatches have become more common. Some popular brands such as LG, Huawei, Samsung, Apple, and Garmin are featuring their smartwatches with LTE networks. However, the main problem is that you're likely to see poor battery life since when you connect to cellular networks, you will experience high battery drains.


7. It helps you with navigation

If you travel a lot, and you don't have a smartphone mount, you can benefit from your smartphone. Your smartphone will guide you by showing you a GPS and a map to follow. That gives you the convenience and ability to travel to your destination.


Although a smartwatch comes with numerous features, it can't outdo the smartphone uses because of the size of the screen and battery life. However, smartwatches are suitable for people that do regular exercises, jogging, and want to monitor their health.

On regular use purposes, it is a smart choice that you buy a smartwatch. That is because you can get your notifications regularly and instantly. Although, due to short battery life, it can get dead before the end of the day. Different smartwatches have different features and usability. This is the main reason that you will find different models with different price ranges.

About Author: Adam currently Head of content marketing at TopTechyTips, after having previously spent over five years on Digital Marketing and Content Editor. Prior to his work as a reporter, Adam worked in I.T. across a number of industries, including Digital Marketing, Article Writing, Tech Reviews, and more.


About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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