10 Pakistani Bloggers with Highest AdSense Income

Some time back I posted 10 Indian Bloggers and their AdSense Income and Today I'm back with a similar kind of list and this time it's my neighbor country Pakistan. Nowadays I'm seeing many of the Pakistani bloggers with amazing blogs, So I decided to make a Top 10 List of Pakistani Bloggers and their Estimated AdSense income.
Note: The Alexa Rank of the following blogs was recorded as on February 14, 2013. The AdSense Income showed here is just an estimate and not actual income. Actual income can be high or low than the one present here. Many bloggers earn from different sources like Affiliate marketing etc.
So lets begin, 

Top 10 Pakistani Bloggers and their Estimated AdSense Income

1. Syed Balkhi

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: WPBeginner.com
Alexa Rank: 3,772
Page Rank: 6
Estimated AdSense Income: $21,000 per month

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginners.com which is very popular among WordPress users. He was born in Karachi, Pakistan but now he has moved to USA. He started WPBeginners.com in 2009 and now his blog has an Alexa rank of 3,772 with Page Rank and he is earning around $21k

2: Taimur Asad

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: Redmondpie.com
Alexa Rank: 4,180
Page Rank: 6
Estimated AdSense Income: $23,000  

An Engineer by profession, Taimur Asad is also the founder of a very popular Tech blog Redmondpie. He started Redmondpie in 2008 and today his blog is one of the best source for getting iPhone Jailbreak solutions and news.

3. Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: MyBloggerTricks.com
Alexa Rank: 4,842
Page Rank: 5
Estimated AdSense Income: $8,000

Every Blogger user must be aware of MyBloggerTricks.com, It is the number one source of getting awesome blogger tips and tricks. MyBloggerTricks was founded by Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai in 2008, After he was rejected for USA visa for higher studies. Today MyBloggerTricks has an Alexa rank of 4,842 with Page Rank 5. MBT is one of my favorite blogs.

4. Aamir Atta

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: ProPakistani.pk
Alexa Rank: 7,330
Page Rank: 4
Estimated AdSense Income: $6,000 

Aamir Atta is the founder of ProPakistani.pk, He founded ProPakistank.pk in 2008 and Today he is among the Best Pakistani bloggers. He is a Data Network expert by profession and his blog is about local telecom and broadband.

5. Naveed Javaid

Blog: SmashingApps.com
Alexa Rank: 7,091
Page Rank: 6
Estimated AdSense Income: $5000

Naveed Javaid is the founder of SmashingApps.com which he founded in 2008. He is a Graduate from Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education and resided is Karachi.

6. Bilal Ahmed

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: TechMaish.com
Alexa Rank: 13,245
Page Rank: 4
Estimated AdSense Income: 7,000

Bilal Ahmed is founder of TechMaish.com and has completed his MBA in Banking and Finance from Institute of Managing Sciences, Peshawer. He is a Part Time Blogger and working on some other projects.

7. Ghaus Iftikhar Nokodari

Blog: AddictiveTips.com
Alexa Rank: 5,140
PageRank: 5
Estimated AdSense Income: $6000

A Graduate from Bahria University, Islamabad. Ghaus Iftikhar Nokodari is the founder of Addictivetips.com, A Technology Review Blog. He loves reviewing latest softwares.

8. Ammar Ali

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: AllBloggingTips.com
Alexa Rank: 10,273
Page Rank: 3
Estimated AdSense Income: He does not use AdSense, His major sources of income are from Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Posts etc. 

Ammar Ali is a young blogger and web developer. He is the founder of AllBloggingTips.com, A blog which he started in 2011 and in a short span of time, He became one of the best pakistani bloggers. He loves to share blogging tips, seo tips, ways to earn money online etc. on his blog. He is one of favorite bloggers.

Also See: My Interview With Ammar Ali

9. Ali Qayyum

Blog: SmashingHub.com
Alexa Rank: 7,378
Page Rank: 5
Estimated AdSense Income: $12,000

Ali Qayyum is an MBA from COMSATS University Lahore. He is the founder of many blogs, one of which is SmashingHub.com. He started blogging in 2009 and today is one of the most successful pakistani bloggers.

10. Syed Faizan Ali

top pakistani bloggers and their adsense incomeBlog: MyBloggerLab.com
Alexa Rank: 10,818
Page Rank: 2
Estimated AdSense Income: $2000

Syed Faizan Ali is 17 year old and Founder of very popular MyBloggerLab.com. He is one of the youngest pakistani bloggers. 

Also See: 10 Indian Bloggers and their AdSense Income

So these were some of the successful pakistani bloggers who are earning a high income from their blogs. I hope this article was helpful, Please leave your comments below and let me know.

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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