Also See: List of Best Free Blog Directories for Submitting your Blog.
10 Ways of Getting High Quality Back Links
1. Write high quality content

2. Find high quality websites looking for guest posts
Links from high quality websites will let Google know that your site is trusted and can be considered an authority site. If you site is considered trustworthy, then this will really boost your rankings in Google.
Write For us: If you are a writer then you can Guest Post on this blog.
Write For us: If you are a writer then you can Guest Post on this blog.
3. Ask for a Back link
If you want a link, then just ask. Many Bloggers happily accept link exchanges, so just ask. This does not guarantee a link, but it will give you a better chance of obtaining one. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
4. Blog Commenting

Also See: List of High PR DoFollow Blogs with CommentLUV
5. Submit Press Releases
By using a well known company, like PRweb, you can publish and distribute a press release for your business all over the web; this will make you more visible.
6. Linkbait
This is a great piece of content in the form of infographics, videos, interactive content, etc. It is something that people are going to want to link to and let others know about it! Once you have created this content, share it on your social media platforms and get your friends and family to share it. This will give it more visibility.
7. Contact people at the right time
Think about what country the person you are contacting is in and their time zone; for the best chance of getting their attention, you will want to contact them when they are near their computer. Obviously this isn’t always going to work because you won’t know who’s doing what at what time, but you could have a good guess.8. Create a great infographic
Everyone loves a good infographic. If everyone had a choice of whether they wanted to read an article or look at an infographic for the same information, then more people would choose to look at an infographic. Make sure it looks good and contains relevant information that is clearly displayed.
9. Use advanced search queries
Advanced search queries allow you to easily find great websites that are looking for fresh content; you can then send emails to these websites and ask for links.
Also See: 5 Best Online Tools for Website Owners.
Also See: 5 Best Online Tools for Website Owners.
10. Make your website link-worthy
No one is going to link to your website if it doesn’t contain great content and it doesn’t look good. The appearance of your website is the first thing someone is going to see and if it doesn’t appeal to them, then there is less chance of them linking to it. You might want to consider A/B Split Testing or Multivariate Testing in order to produce the best website you possibly can.
Also See: 10 Most Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
Also See: 10 Most Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
If you want to improve your website and make it more visible, then SEO is something you need to seriously think about. Link building is an important part of SEO and the 10 link building strategies listed above are something for you to try out yourself.
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