After deciding to create a blog you find a niche of your interest and start to create your blog. it is a tough task to create a blog which will gain the popularity within weeks. To create such an admiring blog, you have to start your journey from day one. To reach the success peak you must have a checklist for your blog. This checklist may be a long one. But there are three important to do things which you must include in your checklist and complete on the first day. Here are these three things I want to elaborate for you beginners in the blogging world.
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Support for Mobile Devices
Most of the users have a handy smartphone with all loaded internet features. So they are now using their smartphones to browse and read contents. If you don’t want to lose such readers, the first thing you have to do is, make your blog design mobile friendly. If you don’t do so, readers will get a disappointing visual of your blog. They will have to scroll here and there to read the content. In spite of having useful content, reader may hit close button and switch to some other blog. This may increase your bounce rate which is not recommendable. To keep your audience intact you must make your blog mobile friendly from the first day.
Attractive Logo
You must be dreaming of a brand image of your blog. To fulfill this dream you must have a logo of your blog brand. This logo must be creative enough to be remembered by readers. Sometimes audience may not remember your blog name but your logo can create an impression in their mind to remember your blog. Logo and banner are the first things reader notices. Logos and banners help you get the brand image. When readers search for some content they may click on the link by remembering your logo they have seen before. Catchy colors with good fonts can force readers to remember the logo. Create a unique and attractive logo for your blog. if you are not so good at designing logo you may hire a graphic designer to design one for you. There are some free forums which help you to design your logos and banner.
Favicon is another major thing you must add to your blog. Favicon helps you to be recognized in readers as a brand. Eve If you are having a Blogger Blog, it is still important to have a Favicon. Again you may get help from designers to design the favicon. Once finalized and added, make it stay there for a long time, avoid changing it every now & then. If you change your favicon after some period it will lose its value.
These are some basic thing you should have on your blog from Day One. You should spare your time for these important things to complete first. These are the factors which can be done once. You can’t change them again and hence you have to invest time for these things only once.
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