Fun iOS Games for your Whole Family

iOS games can come in a wide variety of genres and types. There are virtually endless possibilities in choosing. Finding a perfect game that will suit more than just the adults or just the kids that use your device, however, can be difficult. The more games required to entertain more individuals, the higher the price tag could be. Rather than spend on games that only suit one member of the family, consider the great games available that cross gender and age lines in their appeal. The feeling is some of the fun iOS games for your whole family that you can download to your device or devices. For low cost, these can be a great way to keep your whole family entertained for hours.

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Words with Friends

Words with Friends is an interactive game that takes on a Scrabble appeal. Rather than play with a physical opponent, however, all of the games are played against the computer or others on the network. Gamers receive lettered tiles they can use to create words. 

Words with Friends

The tiles are placed virtually on the electronic game board to spell them publically. The opponent can build off of these tiles to create new words, attempting to cross all bonus tiles as possible, or pass. The goal is to use all tiles and end with the most points. This game is age appropriate for all individuals who are old enough to know and understand the spelling of words. Further, the three dollar game is a popular option in mobile and social media play which means that it can be played with friends and family across the network as well.

Draw Something

Much like Words with Friends; Draw Something is another interactive game that utilize a network to help facilitate game play. 

Draw Something

The goal of this game, however, is not to spell words but to draw pictures on a board. With a limited amount of time and with different levels of difficulty, words must be converted to images that your opponents can guess. This game is highly addictive but appropriate for the whole family to utilize and enjoy. For that reason, it is a great way to spend hours of endless drawing fun.


Risk is another game that has classic connotations. It has been transferred to an electronic platform where individuals click to take over the world, one country at a time. 

Risk iphone game

The goal is not to be gruesome or violent, which makes it age appropriate for many, and the game play can be as quick or as short as the difficulty allows. The higher the level of difficulty, the more involved the gameplay is but any game can be saved on the device so no progression is lost. For under a dollar, this family game can be yours and provide your family with fun on their mobile devices. 

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Fingle is an exercise in phalange calisthenics. A group activity, this game is played by trying to twist your fingers into the spots on the screen. The game of Twister is very similar to this but on a smaller scale. This multi-partner game has them share one screen where the fingers are placed inside the goal circles and the fun begins. 


Hours of play can be had through this application and the greatest thing is that it is family appropriate. Children and adults alike will enjoy the game and the way in which it is played. There is nothing risky or too mature and that makes it a great game for those worried about their children being exposed to something that they should not be. For just under two dollars, this is a great option in pricing as well. 

jason phillips About Guest Author
Jason Phillips has written this article. He is also a video game designer and is working for the site Truck Games 365.You can also write for us by visiting this link.

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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