10 Killer Tips to Improve Your Website's Alexa Rank

Alexa Rank is a very important factor for most Bloggers and webmasters because it measures a website's traffic rank. A website with a decent Alexa rank is proof that the website has high traffic and is considered first by Advertisers and Guest Bloggers. It is very important for bloggers to improve their Alexa rank if they want their site to be popular. Improving Alexa rank is a tough job and takes time but Today I'm going to list some tips which will help you improve your site's Alexa rank rapidly.

Tips to Improve Alexa Rank

How Alexa Rank is Measured?

Alexa measures a website on various metrics which includes Pageviews, Unique visitors, Bounce rate, Time spent by visitors on your site etc. After taking all this in account, Alexa ranks a website. The lower the Rank, the better. Websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo etc. have got the best Alexa Ranks and they are 1,2,3,4 respectively.

Also Read: 10 Simple Ways to Increase your Blog Page Rank

How to Improve Your Alexa Rank

In the past few months I've successfully Improved my Websites Alexa rank by using the below tips from 300k to 120k and Improving day by day. So If you want to Improve your Alexa rank then follow the tips given below.
The First Step to Improve your Alexa Rank is to Claim your site on Alexa. This is a simple step but many webmasters ignore it. You can claim your site by going to http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/YourDomain.com and then click on Claim Site. Completing all the verification process and don't forget to add your website description etc.

Tutorial: How to Claim a Website or Blog on Alexa.

2. Install Alexa Widget on Your Site

This is very important step After claiming your site, Install Alexa Widget on your site. You can place it anywhere but I prefer sidebar or footer. This way the widget will appear on all site pages and Alexa can measure your traffic better. This will improve your alexa rank.

3. Build Back Links

Alexa also measures websites linking to your website in determining your Rank, So it is very important that you build quality back links. The more websites link to you, the better will be the alexa rank.

The Best way to build quality back links in by Guest Posting and Link Exchange. To Start off you can write Guest Post for us.

4. Update Blog Regularly

I remember Interviewing a fellow blogger Varinder Pal Singh of OnSecretHunt.com (Read Full Interview). In the Interview, he suggested me to update my blog daily in order to improve my Alexa rank. I tried that for a week and results were amazing, The trick worked like charm for me.

I still try to post a new article everyday and results are getting better. My Alexa rank dropped drastically within a few weeks. That's why I recommend you guys to Update your Blog daily.
I know posting a new article everyday is a difficult job but Try to post a new article everyday or once in 2 days. For me the credit goes to guest authors. With help of Guest Posts I try to update my blog more frequently.

5. Comment on Blogs

Commenting on other blogs not only helps you improve your Alexa rank but also helps your build backlinks, Relationships with other bloggers etc. So commenting is really important, You should always comment on blogs which are related to your niche.

Also See: List of High PR Dofollow Blogs with CommentLuv plugin, Comment on these blogs to get back links.


6. High Quality Articles

Content plays an important role in a blogs ranking. Nobody would like to go to a blog with low quality content. So you must always try to write High quality articles with 500+ words. 

7. Ask Visitors to Review Your Site on Alexa

This is another simple trick for improving your Alexa Rank. Request your visitors to write a positive review about your website on Alexa. The more Rating you get on Alexa, The better will be your Rank.

You can Also Add 'Review My Site on Alexa' Widget on your site. You can find this widget from your Alexa Dashboard.


8. Install Alexa Toolbar and Encourage Others

Alexa Toolbar also helps Alexa record site statistics, So Installing Alexa Toolbar will help you improve your rank. You can also create a custom Alexa Toolbar with your site logo and provide download link to your visitors. This way you can promote your blog and improve your ranking as well.

You can create Custom Alexa Toolbar from your Alexa Dashboard.

9.Share Content on Social Sites

This is very important, Once you've published an article share it on Social Networking site like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. Also share them on Social Bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Pinterest etc.

Provide Social Share and Bookmarking widgets on your blog's Post pages, So that your visitors can share and bookmark it without any difficulties.

Tip: Keep Sharing your old posts on Social Networks and Bookmarking sites, this way your old posts will receive traffic and your Alexa rank will get better.

10. Blog Directories

There are many Blog Directories which have high Alexa Rank and Adding your Blog to those directories will help you increase traffic. Some Top Blog Directories are DMOZ, Ezine Articles etc. Try to get listed on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask etc.

Also Read: List of Best Free Blog Directories for Submitting your Blog.


The main point is to increase your Traffic and Number of sites linking to your site, And if you successfully achieve it then your Alexa Rank will Improve in No time. So Try to Follow all the Tips listed above and you'll see your Alexa Rank Fall rapidly.

Please Note, That it takes time for your Alexa Rank to fall and it won't going to happen overnight. So be patient.

If you have some other Tips for Improving Alexa rank then don't hesitate to share them with us in comments below.

Good Luck For Now.


About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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