EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free : Best Recovery Software Review

You have been through the situation when all of a sudden your computer has stopped working and even after trying hard to restart the system, you failed to do so. Then again, there are some who have witnessed error message when the system rebooted itself. All these are situations where at the end you have lost all your valuable data. In most cases we don’t take back up, therefore it is inevitable that when such things happen, we are bound to lose all kinds of images, documents, files, music, audio and video stored in the system. In this scenario, only one thing can help and that is, the data recovery software, but not all can perform well. So, there is another hitch in discovering which one will perform as per its claim! EaseUS is one such name which you can trust for recovering your lost data. 

Data Recovery

Even when the free version of the software is used, you will still be able to retrieve the lost data. The free version is apt for home purpose and you will be able to comfortably restore the documents that you want and leave behind those which are not that important. There is another way of losing data and that is by pressing Shift + Delete while deleting the files that you don’t want for the time being. There may be a file that you won’t require as of now and you simply pressed delete and the file went straight to the trash, but unmindful if you press shift + delete, then you won’t find the file in the trash also, it is deleted completely. So, in that scenario will the EaseUS data recovery software wave its magic wand and help in restoring the lost data? Yes, shift deleted recovery is also performing well by the software.

The various features that you can enjoy

With the help of this sift delete recovery you will be able to recover the lost folders and the missing ones too. Apart from that, it also recognizes long names of the files and helps them in preserving during the process of restoring. 


The whole process can be completed in three easy steps that have started the program, scan and then restore after previewing the files. Then again your data loss might happen from SSD too, so in case of SSD data recovery you can also make use of this software quite easily. The SSD uses memory chips rather than rotating disk, which is common to hard disk drives when they are reading or writing data. 

This enables the SSD in accessing the data at a much faster rate. EaseUS data recovery software follows the same recovery procedure for all its kinds; therefore, it is quite easy to practice. You just have to provide the path through which the scanning will be done to bring up the result much faster. Now you don’t need to panic if you have lost data under any situation because EaseUS is there to help you out.


EaseUS is a powerful Data Recovery tool, which can help you get your lost data back without any further issues. As you read in this article, it's quite easy to use and available for Free. I hope this article was interesting, Please leave your feedback below.

About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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