Van Heusen MYFIT : Personal Experience & Review

Van Heusen is a top-notch brand when it comes to premium clothing and suiting and I already knew that but I never had any experience with it, until recently when I got to try their new innovation, known as MYFIT, which is any innovative step taken by Van Heusen to fade away the line between Offline shopping and Online shopping. As the name suggests, MYFIT indicates perfect fitting clothes but there is a catch. MYFIT enables people to buy guaranteed fitting clothes online, making online shopping convenient and a better option for customers. You might be thinking how’s that possible, well you’ll know that very soon in this post.

Van Heusen MYFIT

What is Van Heusen MYFIT?

MYFIT is an Innovative solution for customers who find online shopping convenient but aren't able to proceed, fearing that the clothes will not be fitting or will be weirdly loose at certain areas. MYFIT eliminates this fear and makes online shopping more convenient for customers by fixing the compromises customers make while shopping. Van Heusen team spent a long time gathering deep understanding of Indian Body Types and met more than 1800 people in the process of developing this solution. After deep research, the team came up with four additional fits which made MYFIT possible.

MYFIT was built integrating offline and online together and was deployed on Van Heusen’s official online store. Under MYFIT, a consumer can choose between many different options, in order to get a guaranteed fitting Shirt or trouser, the options offered by MYFIT are 8 to 10 times more than any physical store can offer. The consumer simply can choose his size, type of fit and other features of the shirt like cuff design, collar design etc. Thus making sure that the shirt is perfect for you, and same goes for the trousers. 

My Problem with Fittings

I’m not much of a Shirt – Trouser person, I usually throw in a T-shirt and jeans and I’m done. But for occasions like Job Interviews, Social gatherings, parties etc. I have no other option than wearing them. I always had issues with fittings, sometimes the shirt was tight on the chest and sometimes the trousers were too lose for me. Wearing such clothes gave me a weird feeling and I decided to find a better solution. I started going to tailors and asked them to make alterations for me. Sometimes these alterations were very small but to make it done, I had to make unnecessary trips to the tailor shop and wait there unit he fixes that. These things were annoying but I had no choice.

My Van Heusen MYFIT Experience

Recently I got an opportunity of trying the new innovative solution by Van Heusen ‘MYFIT’ and below is my complete experience.
Please Note: Van Heusen MYFIT is not a customization or made-to-measure solution, it does provide few customization features but for perfect fittings, you'll have to choose from different fitting types for getting perfectly fitted shirts & trousers.
When I found that Van Heusen came up with this new innovative solution called ‘MYFIT’ which guarantees perfect fitting clothing, I was a bit curious and decided to explore it. The idea was simple, choose between different options and sizes before ordering and Van Heusen will ship the shirt which will fit perfectly. I went to nearest Van Heusen store and asked the store personnel about MYFIT, he was more than happy to explain and also pushed me to try on some of the clothes, to find which one fits me better. 
Van Heusen MYFIT
MYFIT section of Van Heusen Store (Infiniti Mall, Malad, Mumbai)

He took some of my measurements and handed me a Shirt, which according to him, will fit me perfectly. I tried it and it did fit me, but it was a bit loose at an area. The personnel handed me the ‘Athletic Fit’ version of same shirt, which was a perfect fit. Then we moved on to trousers and after some tries, I found the perfect fitting trouser. I noted down the sizes and fits of the shirt and trousers (for future use)

On returning home, I went to Van Heusen website and entered ‘MYFIT section, where I ordered a Shirt and Trousers for myself using the sizes and options I figured out at the store. The order was placed and I was promised a delivery within 7 to 9 days, which was delivered even earlier than the estimated delivery date. I received the order on 4th day after placing it.
Van Heusen MYFIT
Here is the Packing and Close up features of Shirt

The clothes were perfectly packed and I was very eager to find out whether this ‘MYFIT’ thing works or not. Both shirt and trousers looked awesome. The fabric used for stitching was of premium quality and material was top-notch, as expected from the brand Van Heusen. Honestly, I immediately felt in love with the clothes but a fear was still alive in my mind, ‘What if these clothing didn't fit me?’ – The only way to know this was, trying them on.
Van Heusen MYFIT
MYFIT Fits Perfectly

This was it! ‘MYFIT’ did the trick for me, the shirt and trousers, both fit perfectly as promised. Not only that, it seemed that they were specially made for my body type and shape. MYFIT did enable me in shopping online without fearing the fittings and when it comes to quality, Van Heusen is the best you can get.
Van Heusen MYFIT
Close Up's of the Fabric

That was it, this was my whole experience with Van Heusen MYFIT. Now to conclude my Review, I would like to elaborate more on Why MYFIT is the ultimate solution to the customer compromises. 

Why you should go for Van Heusen MYFIT?

To answer this question, I would like to list some pros and co

1) It eliminates multiple store visits. You just have to visit the store once to figure out your MYFIT. Once that is done, you can place an order for your shirt or trousers using Trendin (Van Heusen official website) from the comfort of your home. Also you can use the same MYFIT stats to make future purchases.

2) It helps you in getting perfect fitting, no matter what your body shape it. MYFIT will help you find your perfect fit. There are many different types of fits, for example; Athletic Fit, Healthy Fit, Regular Fit etc. No matter your body shape, just enter your fit and Voila! The shirt/trouser will be delivered at your doorstep.

3) You can choose between different Fabrics, colors, cuff designs, collar designs, type of sleeves, stitching etc. ensuring that you get what you actually wanted. Not to forget Van Heusen quality.

So that’s pretty much it, MYFIT is definitely a thing and in my opinion, it really solved fitting issues. Now I can order clothes without worrying about the fitting. I hope this was an interesting article, go ahead and try it and do let us know how you find it. 


About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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