Affimity: A Social Blogging Platform for Bloggers

Blogging and Social Networking have always remained somehow interconnected. Bloggers use social networks in order to reach a new audience and generate traffic but things don't go right all the time, the platforms we use on daily basis are so crowded and cluttered, that even with billions of active users, our content fails to reach the targeted audience most of the time. Affimity is a new revolutionary social blogging platform which is interest-based and helps to connect like-minded people.


What is a Social Network?

Being a Blogger myself, I've tried a hell lot of social networks, though most of the networks have different concepts but the resultant is same. Social networks connect different people, from different places, possibly different continents with each other. It kills the distance just with few clicks, no matter which network you are using. Now that we know what a Social network does, let's talk about the types. 

Social network services are of different types, some are micro-blogging sites like Twitter, some are image-based networks like Instagram and some are all-rounder like facebook; they help people connect with each other through different mediums like sharing images, thoughts, express your feelings etc. Blogging is also a kind of social networking, where a person interacts with his readers or followers. Blogging is like a one-way connection, where the author express his/her thoughts with others and only interaction is through comments.

Affimity is a new type of social blogging platform which connects like-minded people based on their interests.

What is Affimity? 

As I said above, Affimity is an interest-based social network which connects people based on their interests. With Affimity, users can express their thoughts, ask questions, conduct a poll, share images or can even subscribe to channels created by other users. Like other social networks, you can also make friends and follow people or just browse freely. You can discover like-minded people from all over the world with Affimity, you are not bounded to befriend real life friends, you can discover new people with similar interests as yours.

How is it Different from Other Social Networks?

There are many other interest-based social networks on the web, what makes Affimity different is their large range of topics and interests. Subscribing to channels will highlight popular posts which are relevant to you from that section. Other social networks show irrelevant things on your timeline, irrelevant posts and updates from your friends, things which you are not interested to read. Affimity only shows things which are relevant to you based on your interests.

Role of Affimity in Blogging

As I mentioned earlier, Affimity is not like other social networks, in fact, It is a Social Blogging Platform with best of both worlds. Affimity is a revolutionary social networking solution which instead of cluttering our feed with unwanted stuff, shows us things relevant to us. This nature of Affimity can help Bloggers attract more traffic and ensure quick growth. Sharing your articles on Affimity can help them reach the right audience, those who are actually interested in reading them, this can open doors to a whole new world and your content can achieve what it deserves. Affimity can help Bloggers build followers in no time and with its interest-based channels, your content can reach targeted audience.


The Audience engagement at Affimity is outstanding, as soon as you share your content on it, like-minded people start interacting with likes, comments and subscriptions. This makes Affimity an important tool for Bloggers.

Accessing Affimity

You can go to the website or even download the mobile app and start using Affimity. The mobile app is available for both Android and iOS users. The app is simple to use, just sign up for a new account, choose your interests, follow influencers and done. Now you can start using the platform and generate traffic to your Blog.

affimity-app- Android

With Affimity, your news feed will only display trending and popular posts from your interests. Befriend like-minded people and keep your conversations real. Reach right audience and share your thoughts with people who are actually interested in it. Affimity makes this possible.

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About Jimmie Luthra

Jimmie Luthra is a Mariner, Tech enthusiast, Blogger and Gadget reviewer. He is fond of technology and is usually found playing with some piece of tech. He is also a Guitarist, Music lover & fitness freak.
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